
Welcome to handmadepens.us!

cid:image002.png@01D5AF9D.2AF12270Hi there. My name is Josh Brown. I started making pens and other turned wood items in high school and have been at it for about seven years now.  The first pen I ever made was at a woodworker’s meeting in Appling, Georgia.  An 80 year old woodworker with around 40 years of woodworking experience was kind enough to sell me my first lathe.

From that point on, I found a love of wood working, and pen making in particular. I love the creativity in bringing out the natural grains of woods and especially enjoy designing my own composite and segmented blanks. This has enabled me to create striking, functional, and original pens. I experiment with different types of materials,  and I am proud to say that my finishes are about as good as you will find anywhere.

I can also happily make custom pens at your request.


*I am in the process of rebuilding my website due to some unanticipated circumstances with my previous hosting service.   I should have it up and running completely by the middle of April.  In the mean time, you can contact me via the Contact page for pricing and delivery.

Motorcycle Resin Click Pen
New Arrivals, Click Pens
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This combination of my dyed resin with the motorcycle pen kit has proven to be a favorite,  and for good reason.  It is elegant and makes a statement. It's probably not the choice for a die hard 10 speed enthusiast, but then again... 


In any event, if you want to get rev'd up, click on the image to get a better view of the pen.


Handling and credit card fees are included in the $12 shipping cost.